Improving waste logistics of Dutch trainstations

To achieve their sustainability goals, train stations in the Netherlands must separate all collected waste. Over the years, more and more waste streams have been added, making the logistics of waste collection unclear and inefficient.

Improving waste management logistics at the Dutch train stations

In recent years, more and more waste streams have been added. Each time a new waste stream was introduced, it was integrated pragmatically without considering the system as a whole.

Mapping out the current situation and the desired future situation

To design a new logistics system, there first needs to be clarity on how it is currently organized. To get a complete and accurate picture, all stakeholders will be involved in its creation.

  • A clear and shared understanding among stakeholders of the current situation regarding the logistics of waste streams;
  • Agreement among stakeholders on how things ideally should be;
  • Breaking down silos around waste management;
  • Increased understanding of each other’s roles within the waste system (“Make the system see itself”);
  • Improved efficiency;
  • A waste system better aligned with sustainability KPIs and more measurable.