Systemic communication map for waste recycling Dutch trainstations

Tenants of retail spaces and offices at stations often do not know how to dispose of their waste.

How can we ensure through communication that tenants at stations better separate their waste?

Tenants want to separate their waste, but often don’t know how.

A systemic approach to communication

We started by mapping all stakeholders with a stakeholder map. Who contributes to the waste separation system at the stations? And what information does each stakeholder need to be able to contribute?

We outlined the communication flows on the map to make it clear who needs what information and who will provide this information in what way. This also immediately shows the consequences if a certain information carrier is missing.

  • Information carriers are now tailored to the needs of the stakeholders and no longer based on a broadcasting approach;
  • Clarity on who is responsible for which information;
  • Greater understanding of tenants;
  • Tenants gain more ownership;
  • Waste collection is faster and more structured because tenants separate their waste better.